We have some great news for those of you shipping your orders with DHL. You can now save an extra 10% on total shipping costs.
To save this 10%, you can simply request our FREE package removal service. The reason we can offer this 10% saving is that DHL calculates their costs on actual weight as well as volumetric weights of each box. If the package removal service is requested, we can fit your items in smaller boxes, and also reduce the total weight.
If you’re not concerned about receiving all of your toys in the original packaging, then this is a great way to save some extra cash. And if you usually use our free Package Removal service to avoid customs checks in your country, then you will also save more from now on if you ship using DHL.
See, we told you it was great news 🙂
More reasons to use otonaJP for all of your erotic Japanese goods needs. Please check below below how the DHL Option looks in the checkout process and do not hesitate to let us know if you have any questions please.
Enjoy and all the best,
otonaJP team
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